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Do you feel stuck in a life of mediocrity?


Join Dr. Lisa for a four call series where she will walk you through the exercises of this book. Bring your questions! 

This is an easy choice! I am in.

Discovering areas of denial.

What level of denial are you operating from? Do you live in denial 24/7 or find yourself getting triggered in and out of denial?

Identifying ways you disconnect.

How does disconnection show up in your body? Do you feel like you leave your body when you disconnect or retreat into a certain part of it? Where do you go? Does the disconnection feel like it is constant or do you trigger in and out of it?

Getting to know your cage.

Notice when you are in the cage without getting lost in the form or structure of it,

Releasing your judgments to the Earth.

Judgment shuts you off and disconnects you from your body so the first step to
getting beyond judgment is to get reconnected.

What is Creating After Abuse?

Join Dr. Lisa Cooney on this healing journey.  Dr. Lisa, an expert on trauma with long experience helping people heal from it, has written a guide for resolving the pain of your past.

Let's do this!  


Do you feel stuck in a life of mediocrity?


Join Dr. Lisa for a four call series where she will walk you through the exercises of this book. Bring your questions!