
How secrets Impact our lives.



One thing I would not want you to know about me is...

  • Ask yourself this question and see what shows up for you. See where you can focus your healing energy and possibly set up a session to work through your own invisible cage around this topic.

Shame is everything you are hiding.

Somebody else is hiding the same thing. It's just a different way, a different story, a different time, a different place, a different person, different name but it's always the same thing. You think you're not going to get love. You think you're not going to be worthy, adored or that you're evil. Maybe you're insecure or you believe you're a fraud, you're fake, you're phony, and someone's gonna find it out.

It took me years to even look at my grammar school friends that I spent eight or nine years in school with. To even look at some of those people on Facebook and not feel the shame of what they all knew that I was just awakening to.

Exposing my secret to me freed me and I got clear.

Back when we were doing live in person classes, before the world shut down, we had the group sit in front of us. It would take three or four hours in one evening. Each person in the class would get up and say; one thing I would not want you to know about me is... With no story. Boom, say it. Breathe! 

Just say it and release the shame energetically.

No one would respond, it was completely silent. We were just energetically moving the shame off of people.

We are planning the next phase of those classes and although the world shut down, we created some online versions because we know how important this work is.

Sign up for the newsletter here to know when the next in person classes are. If you are interested in any of the online versions, click here.

Every person on this planet deserves to know that they matter. You matter!

See you in class sometime!

This Vlog post was inspired by the Cage Talk Series-Secrets edition. to find that click here.


Season Two Is Here!

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Raw & Real with Dr. Lisa

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You've Got This!!! 🩷 just a #onedegreeshift is all it takes.